Welcome to and welcome back to Lower Key Stage 2!
Dahl - Mrs Barnes & Mrs Madden
Swindells - Mr Berry
Stevenson - Miss Horner
Supporting Adults: Mrs Bingham, Mrs Barnard, Mrs Real-Lage, Mrs Benham, Mr Hill & Mr Cook
It has been lovely to see so many smiley faces return to school. The children have been exceptional and have settled well into their newly adapted routines. We have been very impressed. Welcome also to several new families in years three and four. We are sure that you will enjoy your time at Holyport.
We are beginning an exciting term and a newsletter packed with information will be out very soon. In the meantime, here are some useful points to note:
Weekly homework and the home learning grid for the topic are posted below. Mathletics will be set for Maths homework in due course. Remember to spend 30 minutes on your homework and try your best. We look forward to issuing lots of house points for any optional home learning that is completed.
We are looking forward to a fun-filled year with you all!
The LKS2 Team
Home Learning Timetables
We have included a variety of activities for your child to work through. Please note that there are no expectations of timings for the activities, allow your children to spend as much time as they need in order to complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.
If your child is on the SEN Register and is working below the expected level of their age, please see the Helping your Child with SEN page for useful resources and other activities. Should you need any help regarding SEN support or your child working at home, please email Mrs Gresswell or Mrs Featherstone at senco@holyportprimaryschool.co.uk
Week Beginning 6th July
99 club
This week is an opportunity for your children to complete a 99 club to enable them to have the chance to move up a club. For more information please visit the 99 club page.
Week Beginning 22nd June
99 club
This week is an opportunity for your children to complete a 99 club to enable them to have the chance to move up a club. For more information please visit the 99 club page.
Week Beginning 8th June
99 club
This week is an opportunity for your children to complete a 99 club to enable them to have the chance to move up a club. For more information please visit the 99 club page.
Half Term
Below is an optional project and an activity for half term.
Week Beginning 18th May
99 club
This week is an opportunity for your children to complete a 99 club to enable them to have the chance to move up a club. For more information please visit the 99 club page.
Week Beginning 11th May
This is not a 99 Club Assessment week. That will be next week, the 18th May (last week of term), due to the TTR Battle that launches this week. The Battle will commence on Friday 15th May! Good Luck!
99 club
This week is an opportunity for your children to complete a 99 club to enable them to have the chance to move up a club. For more information please visit the 99 club page.
To access PE activities from home please click on the 'Children' tab and then 'Help with keeping active?'. Mr Deverall has uploaded some videos and activities for you to take part in. If you have any questions for Mr Deverall please email your class teacher and they will be forwarded on.
Keep active!
Welcome Back
Hello Everyone,
We hope that you have all enjoyed your Easter Holidays and had some time to relax with your families. It has been lovely to hear from some of you, and we hope that you will all be in contact next week to let us know what you have been up to. We have seen some fantastic Easter projects and allocated house points for these. Do not forget that you can still earn your Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates at home and we have already awarded some newly designed digital certificates for these. There have also been children who have gone up a level in their 99 Club as well. Well done!
Our new topic this term is Tribal Tales which takes us back to the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. There are lots of exciting activities planned that we will share with you each week and the Home Learning Challenge Grid has also been attached for those of you who would like to complete extra activities. We will be learning about plants in Science as well. It would be lovely to see photographs of keen gardeners, and perhaps some plants growing as well...maybe you could plant a seed and keep a diary of your plant as it grows?
We are going to revisit the topic of time in Maths these next few weeks. Please choose the activities that you feel are appropriate for your level, including practical activities. There are some revision sheets attached, which may be a good starting point. Likewise, year 4 children could look at the year 3 work for a recap as well. There is no expectation - please do what you can.
We will not be sending out spellings for the whole term in advance, however there will be spellings on the grid each week. We are using Spelling Frame to practise these. Please feel free to have a play on any of the word lists as well if you like.
We really do miss you Dahl, Swindells and Stevenson Class. It must be strange being at home but we are sure that you are making the most of it and learning some great life skills at the same time. We have been really impressed with the level of work coming in and have really enjoyed hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
Mrs Madden, Mrs Barnes, Mr Berry and Miss Horner
Week Beginning 20th April 2020
Please note that there are no expectations of timings for the activities, allow your children to spend as much time as they need in order to complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.
Easter Holidays
Please note that there are no expectations of timings for the activities, allow your children to spend as much time as they need in order to complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.
Week Beg: 30/03/20
Please note that there are no expectations of timings for the activities, allow your children to spend as much time as they need in order to complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.
Week Beg: 23/03/20
Please note that there are no expectations of timings for the activities, allow your children to spend as much time as they need in order to complete the tasks to the best of their abilities.
WB: 16/03/20
Below are the timetable for Year 3 and Year 4 pupils who are currently unable to attend school due to self isolation. We have also included some supporting documents below the timetable.
Dahl Class - Mrs Barnes and Mrs Madden (Mrs Mansfield on maternity leave)
Stevenson Class - Miss Horner
Swindells Class - Mr Berry
Assisting Adults:
Mrs Barnard
Mrs Benham
Mrs Bingham
Mrs Real - Lage
Mr Cook
Key Information:
PE Dahl Class: PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stevenson Class: PE on Wednesday and Friday. Swindells Class: PE on Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure kit comes in on a Monday and stays in school until Friday.
Reading Please remember to sign your child’s reading record when they have read at home each day. We expect all children to read at least 5 times a week, for 15 minutes minimum. Reading records should come in daily to allow teachers to communicate with you. If your child finishes their book and still wants to read more, they can add reading of a book from home into their reading record too! Please see the appropriate recommended reading list for suggested texts.
Homework Homework will be handed out on a Friday and is expected back in on the following Wednesday. Year 3 and Year 4 Children will receive Maths and English alternate weeks. Maths will be Mathletics. Homework should take 30 minutes. Remember to practice TT Rockstars as often as possible. Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any concerns.
Spellings Spellings grids are in Homework books and children will be tested on these the following Wednesday. Tests will be completed in the back of Homework books. If you require an additional spelling grid to be kept at home, please ask your class teacher. Scrap paper can also be provided if requested. Remember to use the Spelling Frame website to practise, which has lots of interactive games to consolidate knowledge.
Home Learning Grid Each half-termly topic, there is an optional homework grid, in which the children have the opportunity so select tasks from. Each completed task is equivalent to either 3 (Gold), 2 (Silver) or 1 (Bronze) house points. These can be presented in a variety of forms, including electronic. Please encourage your child to share and explain it to their class.
TT Rockstars
After a week of enthusiastic 'battling' the tournaments are over for now. we are pleased to reveal the class totals are as follows:
Stevenson - 18, 688
Dahl - 24, 692
Swindells - 32,003
Well done to all the children who took part and added to their class totals. The final battle was the staff vs the pupils. The results are as follows:
Teachers - 12,993
Pupils - 203,466
Certificates for the most valuable players were awarded in the Star of the Week assembly. Rock on!
Practising handwriting:
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The children have been practising their handwriting in this way, starting as large as possible to clearly practice the appropriate joins between letters.
In the example 'dog' here, you can see that
These now appear weekly on the self-isolation home learning grids.
Times Table Support
Want help learning your times tables? Then this is the game for you!
All Yours
A card game for 2 or more players
The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards by practising multiplication.
You will need:
A pack of cards
How to play:
1. Deal all the cards between the players. The cards are kept in piles face down. Kings and Queens = 12, Jacks = 11 and aces = 1.
2. Player 1 turns over their top card and places it in the middle of the table. Player 2 turns over their top card and has to multiply the numbers on the 2 cards. If the correct answer is given then the next player turns over their top card and multiplies cards 2 and 3. Play continues around the circle with players taking turns to multiply the last 2 cards played.
3. If a wrong answer is given the group shout "All yours!" and the player has to pick up all the cards in the centre pile.
4.The winner is the first person to get rid of all their cards.