Throughout the day the teachers are acting “in loco parentis”. Strict Health and Safety regulations are kept in school and our full policy is available for parents to see.
It is essential that we have up to date emergency contact numbers in the office. If your child is taken ill we will contact the parents. Any minor injury or bump on the head that requires First Aid is also reported to you either via a form or phone call depending on the nature of the injury. Minor accidents are dealt with by the school, recorded and monitored. A qualified First Aider is always on duty.
Any medical needs and conditions, however slight, may potentially affect your child at school and so it is very important that you keep us informed.
If your child is ill, it is best to keep them at home. If your child has diarrhoea or is sick then they have to be off school for 48 hours following the last bout of diarrhoea or sickness. However if your child has a condition where prescribed medicine is required in school hours, you will be asked to sign a form enabling us to dispense the medicine. All medicines should be clearly labelled and handed into the office for safekeeping.
The school nurse will carry out checks on sight and hearing, generally monitoring the progress of any parental or staff concerns.
Good behaviour has a positive influence on everyone’s morale and makes our school a pleasant place to work in. It is necessary for everyone’s safety and well being. If our children behave inappropriately it is unlikely that they will learn effectively. Responsibility for our pupils extends beyond academic achievement; learning to behave properly is part of children’s development.
We therefore have a set of Golden Rules which set clear expectations of behaviour and responsibility. These are simply stated, prominently displayed, consistently applied and are followed throughout the school. Keeping the Golden Rules earns every child a privilege of weekly Golden Time; 20 minutes of choosing enjoyable, shared activities to celebrate achievements.
Good behaviour is also rewarded with house points, stickers and gold stars.
If the rules are broken children incur a sanction of a quiet warning, then a yellow card and, if repeated rule breaking occurs, this is followed by the loss of ‘golden minutes’. Adults or other children do not tolerate poor behaviour and to protect our school community such sanctions register our disapproval.
Our full Behaviour Policy is available from the school office.
Fire drills are held at least termly and at different times of the school day. All children and staff have to know what to do and where to go. Our fire procedures and equipment are regularly inspected.
We are committed to ensuring that all pupils are well cared for, safe and protected. We follow the Local Authority child protection procedures and aim to work together with other agencies that support children and families. If we believe we have serious cause for concern, we are legally required to notify relevant agencies. The Headteacher has the responsibility for the implementation of these procedures.