How do I know about the day to day routines in my child’s class?
Every term parents receive a copy of Curriculum News for their child’s year group. This informs parents about the subjects to be studied and classroom routines.
How do I find out about school clubs?
We offer a wide range of after school clubs and letters with details of clubs are sent home before a new term starts. This information is also available on this website under the ‘Parents’ tab.
Do you have a Breakfast Club/Extended after school care?
For children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Breakfast Club runs every school day from 7.50am until 8.30am.
We also offer extended after school care up to 5.15pm each day. This is our FAST Club where the children enjoy various activities along with a hot cooked meal.
Where can we find the names members of staff in school?
There is a list of all members of staff on this website under the 'About Us' tab.
Can my child have a hot meal for lunch?
Children can bring a packed lunch or order a hot dinner. The current cost of a school lunch is £2.30.
As part of a government initiative launched on 1st September 2014, every child in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes (Years 1 & 2) are entitled to a free school meal. Your child may take advantage of this scheme either every day or on selected days of your choice. The children will just need to make their options known to the class teacher every morning at registration time.
Which secondary schools do Holyport children go to?
Our pupils go to a wide range of secondary schools including Altwood C of E School, Cox Green, Desborough College, Furze Platt Senior School, Holyport College, John Hampden Grammar School, Newlands Girls' School, Wycombe High School.
Can I read school policies?
Yes – nearly all our school policies are published on the website. If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact the school office.
How do I contact my child’s class teacher?
We welcome parents and carers communicating with us about their children and school life. Please speak with your class teacher at the end of the school day or telephone the office for an appointment.