
Year 5/6 Dickens, Morpurgo and Shakespeare

Welcome to Upper Key Stage 2!


Shakespeare - Miss Prothero

Dickens - Mrs Gresswell (Monday and Tuesday) Mrs Bicker (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Morpurgo - Mr Berry


Supporting Adults: Mrs Real-large, Mrs Barnard, Mr Cook, Mrs Benham and Mr Hill



Welcome back to the new academic year! 

We are looking forward to diving back into school with a little more normality. Keep an eye on this page as we post lots of information to keep you all up to date with what is going on in year 5 and 6.


We will also be posting the weekly homework here as well as on Seesaw, so that you can always find out what has been set.

Class Newsletters will be coming out next week to give you more information on the topics and subject knowledge we will be covering this first term.


The PE days for the classes are as follows:

Dickens - Tuesday and Friday

Shakespeare - Tuesday and Thursday

Morpurgo - Tuesday and Thursday


PE Kit

  • Black tracksuit bottoms/shorts/skort
  • T-shirt in their house colour
  • Black trainers or plimsolls
  • Dark jumper or hoodie with no logos/school jumper/school cardigan

Homework (set Friday 3rd September due in Wednesday 8th September)

For your first week's homework we want to establish some routines. So the homework for this week is:

  • To read and record your reading in your new reading record. This was sent home on Friday. We will collect the reading records in every Friday to check that the homework (to read 4 times a week and have a parent write/sign the record at least once a week) has been completed.
  • To log onto Times Table Rockstars (TTR) and play some Garage, complete some Studio sessions. We want you to start getting back up to speed! 
  • To use the pupil and family log in codes/QR codes which we sent home on Friday to get logged on and set up on the Seesaw app.

 If you have any questions please get in touch.

Hello Year 5/6, 


Today, you were given the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory spellings. Over the half term, we would like you to choose 5 words a day to learn from either list. 40 words in total over the week. Please choose words you do not already know. To help learn them please use the spelling strategies: rainbow writing, draw round the word, look, cover, write, check, consonants only, vowels only, speed writing, pyramid words and drawing round words. We understand that some children struggle more with spellings that others but please just try your best!


We will continue to revise the words in school after half term before starting to test you on the words. 


Do not worry if you have lost the sheet. The words can be found on Seesaw, on the website, in your reading records and on the internet. 


Let us know if you have any questions, 


Have a lovely half term, 


Year 5/6 team

Home Learning Challenge - Darwin's Delights

KS2 Virtual School Games- Martial Arts!

We would love everyone to take part in the challenge above. Once you have done the challenges, email Mr Deverall your scores, at

Street Child by Berlie Doherty - Tell me your story, Jim

Here you will find the recording of Street Child by Berlie Doherty. The text links with our literacy work this term so please ensure you listen to the story carefully.

Chapter 1 - The Shilling Pie

Chapter 2 - The Stick Man

W.B. 22/3/21

W.B. 15/3/21

W.B. 8.3.21

W.B. 1/3/21

W.B. 22/2/21

Race to the Frozen North - The Matthew Henson Story by Catherine Johnson

Hello Year 5 and 6,
I have been reading Race to the Frozen North to my hub group. They have been really enjoying it so I thought you might like to hear it as well. I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11 Part 1

Chapter 11 Part 2

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

W.B. 8/2/21

W.B. 1/2/21

W.B. 25/1/21

W.B. 18/1/21

W.B. 11/1/2021

WB 21.09.2020

Welcome to Holyport Primary School. We are pleased to announce we are now taking bookings for tours of our school for the September 2025 intake. Please visit our 'Admissions' page to register for one of our Open Mornings.