Miss Sharp - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Mrs Mansfield - Thursday, Friday
We will be using our web page to deliver our learning from home. This will be additional to using Tapestry to communicate and share our learning between home and school. Should you experience any issues with using Tapestry please email donaldson@holyportprimaryschool.co.uk
You will find a weekly plan for our curriculum learning. We will be recording short teaching clips to support you and your child with the learning. These will available on Tapestry. The follow up task should be completed and uploaded to tapestry for us to view. We are aware that not all households have access to a printer at home so there will either be an alternative activity that does not require printing or print outs can be collected from the school office upon request.
We wish you well, stay safe, and should you require any support please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Early Years Team
I have put together a list of phonics resources for you to try at home. These are a selection of games and songs that help to embed and teach new and existing phonics sounds. I do also have a list of apps for apple devices that I can share with you. I have put together 10 packs of phonics flashcards and games that you can use at home. Each pack is different and contents vary. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish for a pack of resources. Drop me an email Donaldson@holyportprimaryschool.co.uk and I can arrange a pack to be at reception for you to collect. Please return the pack once you have finished with it so that someone else may benefit from it, you are welcome to swap it for a different pack of resources to try.
Miss Sharp
Phonics Play login details-
username- jan21