Welcome to Key Stage 1
Inkpen - Mrs Harris
Rosen - Miss Benham
Supporting Adults: Mrs Allaway, Mrs Lomax,
Welcome everyone!
We are looking forward to diving back into school with a little more normality, although changes are still happening so be prepared to adapt. Keep an eye on this page as we post lots of information to keep you all up to date with what is going on in year 1 and 2.
We will also be posting the weekly homework here as well as on Seesaw, so that you can always find out what has been set.
Please see the homework grid below for additional activities that can be completed as part of our topic.
General notices
Many Thanks
KS1 Team
Year 1 Homework - Term 5 - 27/05/22
This weeks homework will be a Mathletics task, please log on to see.
Year 2 Homework-Term 5 - 27/05/22
This weeks homework will be a grammar based task please see below. If you require a printed copy please let us know.
Handwriting Certificates
This year your child will bring home a certificate if they reach a certain level on our handwriting ladder. Please see the document below to explain what your child needs to do to obtain a level.
Year 2 Braywick Nature Reserve Trip
We are very excited to announce that we have re-scheduled the Braywick Nature Reserve class trip for Wednesday 22 September. It should be a fantastic day out. Please remember that drop off and pick up are at the Nature Reserve. Children are to arrive at 9.15 am for a 9.30 start and be picked up at 2.30 pm. Please ensure your child is dressed for a day in the woods in weather appropriate clothing and sensible shoes. You do not need to fill out another consent form or lunch order as we will keep the paper work from last term.