
Year 1/2 – Inkpen & Rosen

KS1 Year 2 SATs parents information evening slides

15th/16th March home learning - select tasks from the home learning grid and bring into school for house points


A battle started on Tuesday 14th March and will run until Wednesday 22nd March. Please go on and earn yourself and your class lots of points!

15th/16th Strike day Maths activities

Maths Games - Stop The Clock -

                         Strike it Out -

                         Matching Cards -

Above are a few games to play - some of them can be played on the computer, some on paper. There are a variety of other games on the NRich site - feel free to explaore (with an adult) and feed back to your teacher which game you enjoyed playing most.

Year 1/2    - Remote Learning Suggestions March 2.3.23

Lesson /Key Question

Link to video lessons/clips

Suggested equipment



Listen to and follow the reading of:

Using the link



Create a wanted poster. In the story George notices that there are alot of dragons all around town. Can you create a wanted poster for the dragons? Think about where they have been seen, what they have done and what they look like. For Challenge: To use adjectives to describe.



After listening to the story, write a letter from George to his family, telling them about the adventure he was having with the dragons, dragon machine and tell them why he needed to lead the dragons’ home.


Use the online story from the Book Trust




Paper with lines on for the poster




Year 1 and year 2 Maths

Watch the video on how to read the time:

Telling the time is a life skill! Follow the link below to practice telling the time. You can select different levels to challenge yourself to play!



TOPIC/Science   - ANIMALS THAT BURROW (Linked to tunnels)

LO: To Discover and learn about animals that live in burrows ( underground/tunnels).

Use the information in the web links and create a fact file or poster or diorama box for one or two of these animals/birds/reptiles to explain what makes their home so special and suitable for them.

Why not explore some of these animals?  moles, badgers, burrowing owl, puffins, meerkats…

See the examples below for ideas:

You could use pictures and labels about your chosen creature or create one poster with lots of burrowing animals on! OR create a shoe box habitat!



 (great photos to help your drawings)












A4 paper, coloured pencils, pencil and ruler



Any craft or pictures to add to the poster you like
















































Oak Academy Lessons


Lesson /Key Question

URL - Link on Oak Academy

Suggested equipment

Pre – lesson quiz

HISTORY                                                                               What is the history of London?


Key Stage 1

In today's lesson, we join Miss Browne in discovering how the city of London was founded, and looking at the three main different groups that settled in London. We then learn about how London was almost destroyed twice! We will create a timeline of our learning so that we can easily see the changes that took place in London over time.

Piece of paper, pencil

Yes, just 3 questions!

How do people move around in London?

We will be learning about the different modes of transport used by people in London. We consider which of these modes of transport are the cleanest, and the negatives and benefits of each. We finish the lesson by having a go at reading a London Underground map.


Piece of paper, pencil

Yes (Recap on history of London)

GEOGRAPHY                                                        What are the landmarks in London?

We will review our learning about some of the famous landmarks in London. We have a go at placing them on a map and finish the lesson by writing a list of tourist attractions for people visiting London.


Piece of paper, pencil



Year 1 NRich investigation - Two Dice

Year 2 NRich investigation - Ladybirds in the Garden


Thank you for all that attended the Meet The Teacher Presentation. If you were unable to attend then please see the presentation below. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to ask us. 


Many Thanks

KS1 Team

PE Days

Inkpen = Wednesday and Friday

Rosen = Wednesday and Thursday

Welcome to Holyport Primary School. We are pleased to announce we are now taking bookings for tours of our school for the September 2025 intake. Please visit our 'Admissions' page to register for one of our Open Mornings.