Holyport C of E Primary School is an academy within the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (a multi academy trust).
Under the requirements of the Education Funding Agency and the Academies Financial Handbook we are required to publish key information about the multi academy trust (The Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust) on our school website.
The following is the statutory information as required:
• Annual report and audited accounts - please click here to view this information
• Memorandum articles of association
• Names of the charity trustees
• Names of the members of the academy trust
• The academy trust funding agreement
• Supplementary funding agreement for the academy
• Relevant business and pecuniary interests of trustees and members
• Up-to-date of governance arrangements in a readily accessible format
• The registered name of the academy trust, the registered company number and the registered address
Further information about the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust can be found at www.odst.org.uk.
Amanda Featherstone
Please click here to view the Oxford Diocesan School Trust website for further information about the trust.