
The School Day

Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle, their reading record book and snack box. 


8.30am - School Gates open - Children can be dropped on on foot or using the Kiss and Drop system for       

                car/vehicle users. 

8.30am - Classroom doors open for all children to start their school day and take part in morning work


8.40am - Class registration (Compulsory start time) and lunch orders taken


10.30-10.45am - Morning break for Key Stage 1 & 2 children

You are welcome to provide a healthy snack for break times such as a piece of fruit (no nuts, chocolate or crisps) and should be separate to items provided in a lunch box.


11.30-12.30 - Lunch for Reception children


11.30am - End of morning session for part-time Pre-Reception children


12.00-1.00pm - Lunch KS1 and KS2 


3.15pm - End of day for all children (Compulsory end time)


3.15 - 4.15pm After School Clubs take place 


3.15 - 5.15pm FAST Club (Extended School Care) 


The school office hours are Monday to Friday 8.00am-4.30pm, term-time only.

  • From the compulsory start time to end time,  including breaks (but not after-school activities) -  Children spend 6 hours 35 minutes at school. The total time in a typical school week is 32.5 hours minimum. 
Welcome to Holyport Primary School. We are pleased to announce we are now taking bookings for tours of our school for the September 2025 intake. Please visit our 'Admissions' page to register for one of our Open Mornings.